Wednesday 15 October 2014

Picture catch up from our Pennsylvania visit

I have had a lot of issues with blogging the past week or so.  Thank goodness, Pam lent me her computer to do the couple of postings I did in West Grove.  I would have been HOOPED without Pam!  (THANKS, Pam!)
I have been collecting pictures, however, that I wasn't able to fit in to the blog, and I wanted to share some of them...
Sammy doesn't really fit in Tawny's kennel anymore!
(it used to be his!!! about 2 years ago...)

Amish country.  We sat at a stop light with a horse and buggy beside us...

The corn is being dried on the stalks... It's rock hard but very pretty.

Sunset over Amish country near Lancaster

Coming into West Grove, PA

Lovely scenery; gorgeous homes
Dawn blogging... noe the dual computer screens!!
(and the large glass of wine needed while I work)

Little Diego, Aunt Bev's dog.  What a sweetie.

Dawn, John & Diego

Aunt Bev took this one of us "leaving Pennsylvania"

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