Tuesday 30 September 2014

Sam & Tawny and the Blustery Day

We're in Levis, which is in the Quebec City area and, when we arrived Sunday afternoon (Sept 28th), the weather was sunny and 28 deg C (83 deg F) and we enjoyed the late afternoon warmth outside until the sun set.  Overnight, the wind kicked up and the scattered showers started.  We awoke to 10 deg C (50 deg F) and 60 km/hr gusting winds on Monday (28th).  The cats thought they wanted outside, but when we opened the door to show them, a big gust of wind and water blew thru the screen, and the cats scrambled to opposite ends of the trailer. They spent the day in bed, catching up on their beauty sleep.
John and I took the truck and headed across the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Quebec City side of the waterway, and it is a tangle of freeways and construction.  There seems to be a lot of freeways and bridges for an area of this population, but the "Bitch" (our G.P.S.) for the most part, got us where we needed to be, although she found us a Loblaws that has been closed down since last April.  At least it was not a regional distribution centre, like she found for us in Oahu...
We had some trouble finding somewhere to buy wine.  The Costco and grocery stores all have virtually the same limited labels of wine, and the labelling is quite cryptic as to where the wine is from and what the varietals are.  We finally found a provincially-regulated liquor store - SAQ - and the selection was admirable, especially all the French reds!  We haven't seen so many Languedoc and Minervois wines since our trip to that region in 2006!!  We bought a couple of bottles to enjoy over the next couple of days, despite that the prices are horrible at the SAQ.  Most wines are 70% to 100% more than they would be in Alberta and several times more expensive than we can find in the States.  John reasoned that it was no wonder the beer selections are so large in all the grocery stores!
We got back to the trailer mid afternoon and I made chicken soup from the remnants of a roasted chicken we had in the freezer.  I fogged up all the windows and it was wonderful - both smell and taste.  The cats remained low key, and we gave them some exercise with their laser and wand toys so they didn't keep us up all night.
I uploaded several pictures for this blog, but the internet is very patchy here at the campground.  (Apparently one of the campers changed spots with his satellite antenna still up and took out all the wires for this area.)  So after 1-1/2 hrs of uploads, the whole blog crashed and I lost all signals – so here I am reposting today - without pictures this time.  Hope it loads.  I'll post pics of this area later, as well as the beautiful stop we made in Ontario on the way here - right on the St. Lawrence Seaway at Long Sault Parkway, which is a series of small islands strung together by the paved parkway. We dry camped on one called McDonnell Island, and there were only maybe 4 other parties camped on the island with us that night.  It was lovely and serene.  The sunset over the water, looking towards New York was gorgeous.

We are going to go into Old Quebec City today (Tues 30th) and do some sightseeing within the walled city.  It is the only walled city north of Mexico (in North America) and we are excited to see it.  The weather is better - still cool but only breezy vs full-on windy.  The cats will have another easy day to catch up on sleep and hopefully play nice with each other.

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