Sunday 2 November 2014

Lewis & Clark Trail, Missouri to Kansas

Fall colours along the Lewis & Clark Trail
Thursday (Oct 30th) we awoke to a dark day; rainy and cold.  John opted to do a couple of loads of laundry as he thought I might find another cat (!) and I made grits for breakfast.  We’re enjoying our grits!  We pulled out of the St. Louis area about 1:00 pm and drove the Lewis & Clark Trail along the Missouri River.  We paralleled, for a while, the Katy Trail System, which is a 240 mile bike and foot trail built in the right-of-way of the former Missouri-Kansas-Texas railroad (MKT for short).  “Katey” comes from the pronunciation of the abbreviated “KT” in “MKT”.  It’s really something to see: a very well-maintained pathway system.

The scenery is more rural and agricultural in Missouri

Crossing the Missouri River; LOVED the clouds!!

Hermann, MO

We stopped for a kitty walk at Hermann, MO and we saw a couple of gorgeous trees in full autumn colours near the fire station.  We continued on and got to Jefferson City, MO about 5 pm.  It’s roughly halfway between St. Louis and Kansas City.  It was very wet from all the rain and we had to take a pull-through spot as the ground was very soft and John was afraid we’d get stuck if we were off the pads.  The cats were happy to run around on the wet ground, however.  The pond was of particular interest to both of them.

Osage campground near Jefferson City

The kitties checking out the pond... Tawny in foreground

Heavy winds make for gorgeous flag pictures!

Friday (Oct 31st) it was very windy!  About as bad as the “Blustery Day” we had in Quebec.  The cats were pumped by the wind, though, and they tore around the campground and chased each other and ran up trees with their fur blowing every which direction.  It was a wild sight!  We drove into town and got some groceries, then pulled out about noon.  We stopped for a cat walk at Lone Jack and saw a very cool water tower painted to look like an 8-ball at Tipton, MO.

The largest 8-ball in the world!!  (Tipton, MO)

Sam, making sure there's no guns inside (or people).

We got into the Kansas City area about 5, hitting an early rush hour due to Halloween.  We got the 2nd last spot in the campground at Merriam (a suburb) and took the cats to a nearby school for their evening walk-about.  They were very interested in looking into all the windows, and we got a charge out of the “no guns” stickers on all the doors.  We don’t see that in Calgary! We spotted a red fox in the woods beside the school yard.  

We made ourselves a nice pork and roast veggies dinner and settled in to watch some Halloween specials.  We get a couple of channels here because we’re right in the city, and it was fun to see episodes of Alfred Hitchcock, Gilligan’s Island, Hogan’s Heroes (hilarious!) and the Odd Couple.  Very enjoyable evening, even if we didn’t have any kids trick-or-treating.  But we did have our "Bottle of Boos"...

Saturday (November 1st) we got the cats over to the school before 9.  There was a hard frost the night before so the grass was pretty frosty!  We took the cats into the woods as the tree canopy kept the ground from frosting and both cats loved it.  No sign of the fox today.
Both John & I had gloves on and heavy jackets.  It’s feeling a bit like home around here... We even had to pull out our 2nd heater in the trailer!!  AND we couldn’t hook up the water line as the temps were too low... this is really roughing it!  Hard to believe we had the air conditioner on less than a week ago.  

We headed over to Cousin Kathy & Darrin’s house in Overland Park for a visit in the afternoon, and we enjoyed our time there.  We came back to Merriam to get the cats out before dark, then met Kathy & Darrin and their family in Olathe, KS for dinner at their favorite BBQ place – Oklahoma Joe’s (we all agreed it should be called “Kansas Joe’s”...) The food was great – particularly the pork ribs.

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